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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hello? I'm back...

Wow, we haven't posted on this for a while. I wonder how the Biggest Loser competition is going for Lisa...

Well, motivation has reared it's head again. I have up weeks and down weeks. Right now, I seem to be in an up week. I stepped on the scale and it was 258. 258! Yikes. That's not good at all. So I've been very good about entering in my calorie information into my website each day and trying not to go over my allotment. I don't think I've hit it yet (1600 a day), but I've been under 2000 every day since Monday, so yay me! Baby steps. I still consider it a mostly good day when I don't go over 2000. My "usual" non-diet caloric intake seems to be about 2300-2500 on average. Sad, isn't it?

I also found a new website that I think I'm going to try. I've always been kinda envious of runners. I think it sounds like a great way to exercise, especially when you are out in the country and the weather's nice. Someone suggested this website: It's for a couch-to-5K program. Now, I've just noticed there's an app, so it's possible that I'm the last one to know about it, but that's okay. For any who might be behind the times with me, this is a 5-6 week program, longer if you need it, with suggestions on how to work your way up to running/jogging a 5K (3 miles). It's three days a week, 30-40 minutes a day, and sounds imminently doable. So I'm going to start this weekend and we'll see how it goes. I just have to find... er, make the time to do it.

I'm still looking for a treadmill also. I want one of the space-saver ones that folds up, that way I can put it up when I'm not using it. Without fail, it seems, between 9 and 10 when I'm watching TV, I think that I could totally be exercising. Now, I don't know if that's merely the guilt talking, because I'm sitting on my butt watching TV/doing homework, or if I really am motivated. We'll have to see. Lisa, is the lady at your work still selling her treadmill?

I've also been cutting down on coffee, which is a big deal for me. I generally drink about a pot a day (it's half-caf), but now I'm down to 2-3 cups in the morning and then water. A benefit of being short on funds at the moment is that we've run out of cokes at my house, so I'm drinking unsweet ice tea and water all the time during the day and night. When I go to the store this weekend, I'll get more DDP, but will I be able to restrict myself to 2 a day? I'm just fine at restricting my daughter to 2 cokes a day.

So, faithful reader, I guess the only thing that I can say is that I'm trying and have been for the past three days. If I can do it, then I could lose 20 lbs by my birthday (April 29th). Now 20 lbs doesn't seem like that much, but it's more than I've lost for a long time. So we'll see. Does that sound defeatist and pessimistic?
